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Beetle Peters is just your average teen, living in 1980's London. An avid lover of 16 Candles, rain-soaked-boomboxed-confessions, and riding off into the sunset, Beetle is a hopeless romantic dogged by a series of failed confessions. None of that is about to matter, though, when he becomes embroiled in a deadly plot involving two quarreling witches, gods, monsters, and a strange drug called fairy dust that may just determine the fate of his entire world. Caught between the magical warring forces of England and China in the aftermath of the 1850's Opium War, Beetle Peters must journey through a very different London than the one he knew...and perhaps find love along the way? 

Coming Soon...

Beetle Peters is just your average teen, living in 1980's London. An avid lover of 16 Candles, rain-soaked-boomboxed-confessions, and riding off into the sunset, Beetle is a hopeless romantic dogged by a series of failed confessions. None of that is about to matter, though, when he becomes embroiled in a deadly plot involving two quarreling witches, gods, monsters, and a strange drug called fairy dust that may just determine the fate of his entire world. Caught between the magical warring forces of England and China in the aftermath of the 1850's Opium War, Beetle Peters must journey through a very different London than the one he knew...and perhaps find love along the way? 






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Beetle has the pleasure of meeting
Miss Agatha Pemsley, Witch of the Clock.


Bo is a dragon witch born amongst the cooling magma of the Pechan Volcano in China. Violent, immature, sociopathic, and with an insatiable hunger for gold and precious metals, Bo nevertheless makes an excellent guardian of the Great Wall of China. She also works alongside her partner and mentor, Ren Fa Shou; a goat with the ability to decipher the truth of any living being. 

Agatha Pemsley's orrery; a device that allows her to travel through time. It was given to her by Charles Boyle himself, the Earle of Orrery

Beetle Peters is nothing special. He likes The Cure, he loves rom coms, and he lives with his mother in a house like every other one on the street. The only thing is, every plant in his vicinity dies and no matter how hard he tries, he can't get anyone to remember his name--much less get a date. Is Beetle looking for love in all the wrong places, or is something far more insidious...and magical going on? 

Beetle Peters

The Witch of the Wall

A witch, a vampire, and the last guardian of London's most famous clock tower. 


After waking up from a century-long sleep in the hidden apartments of the Big Ben, Agatha Pemsley is thrust into the unfamiliar world of 1985 where she will have to examine her loyalties to the crown and the alluring group of magical rebels living in London's Chinatown. 

The Witch of the Clock



Bo thought she blended in well as she stepped off the train at Victoria station with the intent to rob Buckingham Palace.


This was not exactly the case. While she went largely unnoticed, several people shot a second glance at the small Chinese girl walking unaccompanied through the bustling hubbub of the platform. She could not have been older than twelve and stopped just shy of five feet. Her close-cropped hair and jutting, determined jaw gave her the look of an obstinate toddler. She was swaddled in a dark grey coat that was slightly too large and was walking very fast. 

There was also something else, something strange and ageless in the pale rosiness of her face. But the people of Victoria Station didn’t stop to find out what it was. They had places to go and people to see. 

Just like Bo.


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